Hello All!
So, student teaching starts in one week. I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous, I would also be lying if I said I didn't feel ready. I really do feel ready for this challenge! I do however know, that this will be a challenge. I have to write a letter of introduction about myself to give to my student's parents at our open house next Monday. As some of my readers are parents, I ask the question: What would you want to know about the student teacher teaching in your child's classroom?
I am all to aware of first impressions, and this has caused my closet to be in a frenzy looking for that perfect outfit that says "I'm young, but I am responsible, hard working, well put together, and capable of teaching your child." That is a lot for one outfit to say, so I am stressing :)
I met my Supervising teaching last week and he is amazing and very welcoming! We are meeting again this week and hopefully I can get my desk put together, my letter to my parents, and my first lesson plan done before then!
I am considering a remodel of this dusty, mildly gross, unattractive, desk in our garage. I am going to set to work on it and hopefully post pictures of the process soon! Until then, this soon to be student teacher is signing off!
Oh my friend, YOU will be AWESOME! I just know that they will ALL love you just like I do! Can't wait to hear all about it! If anybody gives you an ounce of trouble, call me:) BIG HUGS! I am so proud of you!